We all carry many titles mom, dad, daughter, son, athlete, educator, etc. The lists are endless on how we are “known.” Truth is, no one knows us better than Jesus. Who are we to Him? Perhaps you have asked yourself that very question, or maybe you know nothing about Him and want to. Before we ever received a single descriptive title, we were first known as one deeply loved by Jesus.
This learning group is for those who want to understand just how deeply loved and valued they are by the God who created them and want to truly feel and know the love Jesus has for them. In this group, you will experience the love and acceptance of Jesus through two kind and gentle facilitators who have been on this journey of discovery themselves and want to share it with others.
Come as you are. Be met where you are. Exchange judgment for acceptance, striving for peace, loneliness for community, and despair for hope. Join us and be in a community of love and support unlike any other. Jesus tells us, “seek, and you will find.” This is a great time and place to seek and discover what He has for you to find. All are welcome!